Brand-New Illustration Training - From Tony Laidig...
“Leverage the Latest AI Tools and
Strategies to Create Stunning Imagery
for Your Product Art, Stories and MORE!” 
Gone Are the Days of Simplistic, Amateur-Looking Art!
The evolving state of AI-based art is growing at breakneck speed with no signs of slowing down. In addition to major companies like OpenAI and Nvidia advancing AI technology, more big players are jumping into the fray. Companies like Google, Amazon, and Adobe are betting on the future of AI in a huge way! Because of this, it is easy to conclude that AI may represent the biggest revolution in art creation in hundreds of years! Why? Because this amazing technology is expanding the art space to include MANY more artisans, like you and I, who are discovering for the first time that we can create art that is truly magical!

Art that was nearly impossible to create just a few short years ago can now be produced in a matter of moments using simple text descriptors! And with more and more creatives embracing this technology, new strategies are being uncovered and tested on a daily basis! Honestly, the results are mind-blowing! The awesome news is that YOU can create the SAME results once you understand the secret formulas being used to unlock the true potential of these cutting-edge technologies!

Imagine spending your spare a non-artist...creating amazing and complex works of art that are PERFECT for books, posters, print-on-demand products, and more.
Here are a few of my latest examples created using 
the new tools and strategies available to us...
Note: The Illustrations Were Created Using Strategies & Technology I Have NOT Demoed Before!
As you can see above, the results are just CRAZY. The BEST part is that I will be revealing exactly how you can create the SAME types of images and more in my brand-new course,
“AI Art Creation: The New Tools!
Here is what we will be covering in “AI Art Creation: The New Tools:”

Module One: Story Scripting
Story Scripting takes using simple text prompts to a whole new level by stacking prompts in a specific way to script guidance for the AI. Many of the images above use this strategy.

Module Two: Guided Imagery Stacking
Using guide images has been available almost since the beginning of AI art. But new strategies take image prompts to the next level. This is extremely useful when you need a specific related style, like for illustrating books!

Module Three: New Render Models
When we were first introduced to AI Art, we had models like GAN, Style Transfer, and VQGAN+CLIP. Since that time, many more models have emerged and this model will explore all the new toys!
Your Special, Limited-Time Offer...
As always, your investment includes: 
    • Access to All 3 Modules.
    • Slides for All 3 Modules (PDFs).

For the next few days, you can gain access to the training for a special discounted rate of just $197 $97 (Limited Time)! 
Join Me for...“AI Art Creation: The New Tools” 
Now Only $297 $97 - LIMITED TIME!
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Due to the proprietary nature of the training, no refunds will be offered. Every effort has been made to clearly describe the training offered. 
AI Art Creation: Advanced Strategies ©2022 - Expert Media Group, LLC.
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